Friday, November 14, 2008


" The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown".
This quote is from the graphic novel "Watchmen". I think that this quote can relate to many people and pretty much at any age. I find the way that it means for me is that the blood is almost the guilt of people and the gutters are like the gaps in which the guilt goes so its like on the back burner, almost forgot about. But once that space has been filled with the guilt and blood it finally stops and as refered to as scabbed over, there is no more room left for it. And the person will eventually drown in guilt, and give in. It's taken over there entire life so since there is no where for it to go it just keeps building up to the point of absolute guilt. It can be washed away sometimes but in the end its always with you.
In this book it always seems like someone is hiding something, just like the guilt. Its there and when I read it makes me more intrigued because I have no idea what there truly thinking. Its like everything is sugar coated a little. A little bit here and there i can see that it comes out of them. Dr. Manhattan finally has a melt down on national TV when he was first introduced he seemed very sure of himself. He then leaves for mars and suddenly he becomes very unsure of himself and quickly his life is crumbling around him. He's not as strong as it is lead to be..." After that, humanity is in the hands of a higher authority than mine... Lets just hope hes on our side". This quote makes me question him, is he actually the all mighty superhero that the people are lead to believe, or his he human with his flaws and insecuritys?
Pretty much overall, the quote that I chose helped me understand the book a little bit better because it opened up my eyes at how the characters and act and how to understand their language.