Friday, November 14, 2008


" The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown".
This quote is from the graphic novel "Watchmen". I think that this quote can relate to many people and pretty much at any age. I find the way that it means for me is that the blood is almost the guilt of people and the gutters are like the gaps in which the guilt goes so its like on the back burner, almost forgot about. But once that space has been filled with the guilt and blood it finally stops and as refered to as scabbed over, there is no more room left for it. And the person will eventually drown in guilt, and give in. It's taken over there entire life so since there is no where for it to go it just keeps building up to the point of absolute guilt. It can be washed away sometimes but in the end its always with you.
In this book it always seems like someone is hiding something, just like the guilt. Its there and when I read it makes me more intrigued because I have no idea what there truly thinking. Its like everything is sugar coated a little. A little bit here and there i can see that it comes out of them. Dr. Manhattan finally has a melt down on national TV when he was first introduced he seemed very sure of himself. He then leaves for mars and suddenly he becomes very unsure of himself and quickly his life is crumbling around him. He's not as strong as it is lead to be..." After that, humanity is in the hands of a higher authority than mine... Lets just hope hes on our side". This quote makes me question him, is he actually the all mighty superhero that the people are lead to believe, or his he human with his flaws and insecuritys?
Pretty much overall, the quote that I chose helped me understand the book a little bit better because it opened up my eyes at how the characters and act and how to understand their language.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quality blogging about poor quality cheese.

The most disgusting thing that I have ever heard of would have to be processed cheese. It comes in one simple plastic layer. It's actually quite disgusting if you ask me. I remember as a child eating it as much as I drank water. It was seriously the only thing that I would consume on a daily basis. I now look back at it and I am repulsed. It has an awful odour and i actually have got no idea on what it is made of. Is it like hot dogs made of gross reminisce from that day at the slaughter house or is made of plastic? My god it could be anything.
So i went on a mission myself to find out what this delightful " fake" cheese is made of. What I came up with was ultimately the disgusting. The "cheese" is made with real cheese but food colouring, extra salt, and texture is added if needed. This cheese lacks flavour and interest, but people eat for its convince.. just like every other person in North America. Taken straight for Wikipedia, it states "Pasteurized process cheese can be made from a single cheese or a blend of several cheeses. Cream milk fat, water, salt, artificial colour and spices may also be added. The mixture is heated with an emulsifier, poured into a mold, and allowed to cool". Honestly and truthfully, after someone reads this will they want to eat this delightful little treat? Knowing that your food is poured into a mold and cooled.. is this like a factory of car parts?
I think I have made may point very clear for all the readers. Processed cheese is not about the quality anymore, it's for the convience of the consumer. What have we come too, obviously to the point of eating fake cheese.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Peril of Indiffrence.

The risk of apathy.

The ending of 'The Lottery" is shocking and completely un noticed and brings it to a completely random ending. Showing that these people act like regular normal but when brought up with an idea used for thousands of years, shows that they can be swayed to what the other people do. This story seems bizarre to any reader but it can be connected to real events from history. The people involved with WWI were regular normal everyday people. But when power was brought onto them, they become an entirely different person. Following this ruthless dictator the regular normal person became the terrorizer. Just like the stoning in The Lottery once an idea was decided people became almost an alter ego. Another example is racism. This relates to the story because its like a person is being singled out for really no reason. Just because of there skin colour it made them this like terrible person. But for what reason? No whatsoever, and it makes no sense. The people usually calling out the black person were regular people, who went on with there regular days but when confronted with the situation that they had grown up with they would act on it. In The Lottery the ideas the people had grown up with were all they knew, they knew no different and didn't know any different way to act. Elie Wiesel's speech relates to The Lottery in a numerous different ways because he they both show that people can seem one way and then turn around and be someone or something completely different. He says that in his speak as well that when the Nazi's invaded they were just regular people that he had known. Along with in The Lottery the townspeople were regular everyday people and when confronted with what was known as " tradition" they become new people it didn't matter if the person being was stoned was a friend or family member it was what they had grown up with and lead to believe was right. The Nazi's trained there soldiers to believe what they were doing was right and they followed direction. They were trained to believe the lies being told. It didn't matter if they new the person that they would be sending to the gas tank it was told to be the "right" thing.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


"Nick and Norah's infinite playlist" has a vast amount of high energy and an intriguing plot that feels like it should keep going. Keeping the viewer excited for the next seen and never wanting it to end. It relates closely to its sister movie Juno, with returning characters and the same movie style. The characters are memorable and make you feel like you know them as if they were friends of your own. It chases two teenagers around the city of New York to find a secret band playing, called Where's Fluffy.Thus, like every movie ending up with them falling for each other in the end. The typical love movie of our century. The actor Michael Cera did an amazing job as Nick portraying an emotional indie rocker, relieving himself from a recent breakup. Norah, is a music enthusiast with a passion for life and friends. They end up loosing Norah's best friend and are set out into the city for a search for her as well as trying to find Where's Fluffy. As people and objects interfere this becomes the ideal date movie as well as a regular cute comedy.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blog about.. Blogs.

In English we are assigned to write a blog about what we would use it for. Well to begin I much prefer to use a compute versus writing. I can just write forever about anything that I wish because just by typing, the words come to my head creating a piece that I would never be able to write with a pen and piece of paper. With this blog I would like to be able to write about anything that comes to mind or even just to put a review of a movie or a new band. Controversial topics and World Politics would interesting to write about as well because I would love to see what other peoples opinions would be on the matter.
Another option for are blogging opportunity just have days, like this one. To write about what we wish and hope for the future just to expand on such a simple topic to make it amazing. Going into great depth and detail about how we want are lives to start and become something
spectacular. Or as mentioned before to just get to sit down and write about the first thing that comes to are mind. With that kind of writing, I find it the easiest.
When it comes to marks I don't think that we should get marks that reflect are entire grade but a potion because whats the point of just writing, when you really get nothing for it. Someone could write some amazing blog that would be worthy of a grade and it ending up equalling nothing wouldn't be to fair.
I love the blogging idea and i'm really excited to start this. It should be an experience in itself. :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Superpower

If I could have any superpower in the world I would want the power to be able to teleport anywhere, whenever I wanted. I would choose this superpower because say I needed to be somewhere like really quick, and I was running late I could just say my destination and BAM! I would instantly be there, in no time whatsoever. It would be nice because I'm sure all my friends would be jealous and plus I would never need to worry about needing a ride anywhere. :) Also, going on trips would be quite lovely because i could be half way around the world in a matter of seconds; no long plane rides just relaxation, heat and pure luxury.